Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Start to a New Beggining

I am opening this blog to help others see the benefits of Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic. When most people think of Chiropractic they think of back pain, or neck problems, they rarely think of other problems like autism, colic, ear infections. The on thing about chiropractic that is misunderstood is the philosophy.

Chiropractic treatment is not a treatment for pain, though that is the main reason why people seek out a chiropractor, its purpose is to restore the body to homeostasis, or equilibrium so that the body can regulate itself.

The goal of Upper Cervical is to restore the nerve flow from the brain to the body so when the body senses something that is out of "wack" the brain can effectively respond and the body can react to that response in the appropriate manner. When there is disruption in the flow, weather from the brain out or from the out to the brain that is when you have a problem and your body experiences disease or dis-ease.

This is an educational blog and not a forum for debate. My goal is to post information that all can benefit from. Some of the topics will be on diseases that you may think are not even remotely related to chiropractic. My goal is to post articles, studies, and other information and try to relate it to the everyday person. If I can I will post the articles for personal review if you so feel inclined. I hope the information is clear and easy to understand. If you like the blog spread the word because after reading an article you may say to yourself, "I bet my friend would be interested in this." If you are skeptical ask questions. If you have a problem with it go elsewhere.

I leave this last note to those of you who have had a bad experience with a Chiropractor and think they are all the same. let me ask you one question. If you had a bad experience with a medical doctor would you stop going to all medical doctors? There are many ways a chiropractor can treat a problem and many different techniques, Upper Cervical Specific is one of those techniques.

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