Saturday, June 11, 2011

Reducing Blood Pressure with Chiropractic!

Many people struggle with the problem of high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease is the greatest killer in America and high blood pressure is a major contributer. This brings me to my topic of how an upper cervical treatment may be an option to help you or a loved one control blood pressure.

*I have to caveat that in no way is there a suggestion that you should stop taking any medication, consult with your prescribing physician and monitor you blood pressure.*

There was an article that was published in the May 2007 issue of the Journal of Human Hypertension that was a significant finding. Using a double blind(neither group knew if they were getting the real thing), placebo-controlled study there were 50 people picked that had hypertension (high blood pressure) They were treated and monitored over an 8 week period and the end results were astonishing. There was an average of 17 point drop in the systolic(first number) and a 10 point drop in the diastolic(second number). This is the effect of two separate blood pressure medications. The only vertebrae that was adjusted was the first bone at the top of the spine, Atlas. There is power in chiropractic and it is not just for neck and back pain.

The technique that was used is called NUCCA, National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, which is a low force light touch method. It is not the only techniques that can get similar results.

Here is the link to the article. I could only post the abstract. When I find the article in full form I will try to get it up so you can take a look at it.

This is a special that was on ABC, take a look.