Sunday, August 22, 2010

Doctor of Chiropractic compared to Medical Doctor

Many people are unaware of what it takes to be a chiropractor. There are those that belittle it and think it is a sham of a profession filled with hocus pocus, snake oil, and charlatans. Unfortunately there are dishonest people in every profession which become a stigma for the others. I wanted to put the knowledge and professionalism of a chiropractor into perspective. The best way to do this is to draw a comparison to something everyone is familiar with. The chart below is a comparison of schooling that a typical chiropractor has to complete in order for him or her to gain a license with that of the typical medical doctor. This is in no way an attempt to attack or discredit the medical profession but only a way for those of you who are skeptical or who think chiropractic is a sham to put a perspective into your opinion. My only wish is that you think and analyze the information before you jump to conclusions.

There are some areas where one profession has a greater training than the other. There is also the area of specialization. Just as there are specializations for medical doctors there are specializations for chiropractors, for example pediatrics, neurology, upper cervical, sports, and rehabilitation. These types of programs are often done after chiropractic school is completed. If you are looking for a specific type of care you can find it in chiropractic. Chiropractors are not just for low back pain.

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